Our Services

24 hour Alarm Response

24 hour response aps

We can respond to any alarm activations from any monitoring company 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Cash Collection

cash australia aps

We have the ability to collect your cash directly from your business or office and transport it securely to the location where needed.

Mine Site Security

henty aps

Out team has the right amount of experience when it comes to mine site security. Receive peace of mind knowing our team has also first aid skills, proving we are trustworthy, reliable and capable.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

drug Alcohol Testing - Advanced Protection Solutions

We have the requirements and necessary team to carry out drug & alcohol testing.

Emergency Service Officers

Emergency Service Officers - Advanced Protection Solutions

Our ESO’s are capable of the highest level of response to emergency situations and injured workers, while protecting client production. Some of the core skills of emergency service officers include: Vertical Rescue, Advanced First Aid and nationally recognized drug and alcohol testing.

Mobile Patrols

Mobile Patrols area a highly effective deterrence and an affordable option. Don’t be complacent with the security of your business.

Static Guards

Our Guards check your site to see if entry has been gained. Our guard will reset your alarm panel and leave a detailed incident report.

Armed Guards

We can provide fully trained armed guards for your security needs.

Body Guards

For professional Body Guard protection please contact us.

Business & Corporate Security

We can provide all your security needs for your business and corporation.

Crowd Control

We provide highly professional crowd controlling.


For monitoring room and monitoring assistance, please contact us.